Amateur Radio Operators- Misguided operators with zero knowledge about digital

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Date: May 5, 2016 at
Subject: Misguided operators with zero knowledge about digital

As a follow up to an earlier conversation.  I want to again thank you for sharing your advice earlier. 

I totally understand that many only heard a  part of a conversation.  A conversation that started on another repeater ve3twr and advice being given by a ham, then to QSY to ve3kuu.    

I have heard many, yes many talk about the "cult" of d-star digital and advice to others.  Advice about how great dollar-star is, Yet have not used any other digital !   Or own and used radios other than DStar.

That individual PAUL ve3ku I have a long history with him and have heard him dismiss DMR and Fusion without owning a radio other than an analog baofeng.  Paul ve3ku is a technical director for ve3twr and to be so negative about ham radio modes to others is disappointing.  

Missguided operator,  When confronted about his "2 cents" blog or asked his credibility he plays the victim 

I feel not enough operators that have used all the many digitals care to share with others, and the ones that share advice have never used the many digitals.

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