We all need to read the following a few times, we have a huge gift and ability with the use of the "free" repeaters and thanks to the owner/trustees.   We/I need to consider when we get opinionated that the owners and trustees have invested a lot of money in the equipment and architecture.

I would like to suggest we all consider reading the following, Hoping the abuse stops.

COURTEOUS & RESPECTFUL to one another and behaving in a manner that is consistent with 
the ARRL Radio Amateur’s Code;   

The VA3XPR repeaters are intended to be a welcoming and inclusive environment for all users. In order to ensure this, plus create an orderly and professional environment for everyone, it expected that all users will adhere the below Code of Conduct.
This includes being:
  1. COURTEOUS & RESPECTFUL to one another and behaving in a manner that is consistent with the ARRL Radio Amateur’s Code;
  2. ACCOMMODATING to other users on this shared radio resource. This includes allowing time between transmissions for other users to join the conversation or for traffic on other talkgroups. Emergency traffic must always be given priority;
  3. PROPERLY CONFIGURED with their radio equipment using the following parameters:
    1. Radio IDs: Each user is required to use their own unique Radio ID on the repeater. If you do not have one, they can be requested on the DMR-MARC website;
    2. Talkgroups: Users are expected to use only the talkgroups supported by the repeater. Please refer to the Talkgroups page for full list of supported talkgroups;
    3. Transmit Audio Level: Users are expected to have configured their transmit audio to a level that is acceptable and pleasing to listen to. These levels can be set using the Parrot talkgroup (TG 9998);
    4. Emergency Option: Users are expected to disable the Emergency option in their radios, as it’s use is disruptive to other users on the repeaters;
    5. Private Calls: Users are expected to refrain from using Private Calls on the repeaters;
    6. Encryption: To adhere with the requirements of their license, the use of encryption is not permitted on the repeaters;
  4. EFFICIENT with the use of shared radio resources, including using a talkgroup with the smallest regional coverage to facilitate their communications with another user. Also, communications on the Worldwide talkgroup (TG 1) is intended for making contact only; once communications is established, users are expected to move to another supported talkgroup to carry on their conversation.
THANKS to va3xpr

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