fraudulent FACEBOOK created - Rogers IP address :

fraudulent FACEBOOK created - Rogers IP address :

To address,  and share the abuses the post within this website have been added from received emails or blogs.

TFMCS Toronto FM Communications Society group membership seem to like to intimate

fraudulent facebook profile created with my name, face pictures and pictures around my home
FRAUD FACEBOOK profile was created - Rogers IP address :

I look forward to another wonderful day,  I hope for everyone if you have HATRED you may try to release it  :)

these people that create the abuse most have not met me, or few may have met me once (1),  that is the funny part of the Hatred.  All CB radio minded, A hobby of hatred is being released is a result of all this   :)   Its that simple.

Ask about the history of HAM radio in Toronto why so many club and why so many repeaters. This Sad.

I want to focus on the LEADER of the "five bully buddies" and his cower attackers on the repeaters, not the 4 other putzes that have now taken this abuse on as there life mission.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous23:13

    REMOVED.REMOVE FROM - YARC - 2016-2017 Board of Directors
    WE REMOVED. York Region Amateur Radio Club - Vice-President - John Leonardelli VE3IPS
    WE REMOVED. Vice-President - John Leonardelli VE3IPS


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