TFMCS toxic trash will propagate out of quarantine

Now that TFMCS repeaters have been isolated and many operators have stopped using the TFMCS repeaters out of disgust, the individual operators that have been keying up (6) six and (8) eight times daily throughout the day are moving to other repeaters.  Those operators that were isolated at TFMCS repeaters have not gotten the hint.

So they are now spreading that toxic trash onto other repeaters out of what was a quarantined group of hatred.

Fortunately they are limited to low featured radios, limited to a radio under $100 as said "I got me my $53 baofeng with 220".   So only analog and low cost radios on DMR are used, this means that the TFMCS toxic trash will propagate out of the TFMCS quarantine but still limited.

So many operators have pointed out, many other amateur radio modes or frequencies are still clean and available.  It is then so great to get away from the narcissism or the toxic hatred trash that has been propagate from members of the TFMCS club.

This blog shares many examples within.

TFMCS please remove the hatred within (the cancers)

FOCUS ON WHO, THAT HAM THAT IS PLAYING THE REORDINGS and not who the vengeance is directed

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