Remove - Vice-President John Leonardelli VE3IPS from York Region Amateur Radio Club
Thanks TFMCS
ABUSE Toronto FM Communications ABUSIVE Society repeaters
444.400 +5 Toronto, CANADA
In Toronto Canada we have someone playing recordings of callsign(s) on the repeaters .... please ignore or contact someone with details about this obsessed person. If you hear abuses please log the details (callsign/name) of the loud mouth that is using the repeater before or after and contact us here.
EXAMPLE Listen : Amateur Radio Toronto Canada - ABUSIVE AUDIO
Please visit the new site
All the libelous claims are FALSE or misrepresented, most just blatant lies by(mr. self-aggrandizement or playing the victim). I have been warned by others.I have NEVER SPOKEN or NEVER CONTACTED this person !!! He initiates libelous contact with unknown and delusional claims (attached), I make public his abuse and threatening contacts, he is claiming to be a victim. I have asked him to STOP Contacting Me. His initiated libelous false claims of my personal details. (attached) We are NOT friends, we have NEVER been friends as his delusional claims (scanner recording). I have police reported and will continue to do so.
sorry this is happening, many of us know about them