DMR repeater Toronto CANADA use of "Gestapo" PAUL BRISCOE VE3KU disgraceful conduct. "your conversation"
An open letter to the
DMR repeater trustees in TORONTO CANADA
FAILED - AMATEUR RADIO CLUB ( Bankrupted 2018 )
Toronto FM Communications Society Amateur Radio Club
- Michael Walker VA3MW as the president
- PAUL BRISCOE VE3KU as the repair guy
- Shutdown 2019
Slander ONE PERSON'S name mentioned 38 times from degenerates, please learn about whom these individuals are disparaging with the blatant lies (TWO HOURS OF SLANDEROUS ACCUSATIONS ) - see audio below.
FAILED - AMATEUR RADIO CLUB ( Bankrupted 2018 )
Toronto FM Communications Society Amateur Radio Club
- Michael Walker VA3MW as the president
- PAUL BRISCOE VE3KU as the repair guy
- Shutdown 2019
PAUL BRISCOE VE3KU disgraceful conduct
My drive into the city of Toronto today with Family and Friends in the car
Thursday December 22 at 3:00 - 3:30 was received with the conversations similar from the analog repeaters in a typical abusive manor. That ranged from the HAM radio alienating conversations for the hours and his resentment. The eliteness has not been experienced since TFMCS repeater ve3twr ..... at the time thoughts of : "when will his batteries die".
The company in my car was "disgusted" by the repeat reference and use of the word "
Gestapo" in his conversation, calling the DMR repeater owner VA3XPR gestapo and based on the etymology of the word it sicken many Jewish people friends. Other emails received that day said it disgusted many individual listening on the DMR repeater and it was typical of hatred from the TFMCS PAUL BRISCOE VE3KU. Is that what we are now on DMR? Is that who we now are? It is abusive from
etymology of the word and degrade "Judaism". On DMR the conversation have been recently
narcissistic and full of innuendos and negative discussions.
He sound like a smug __ with his comments about "data points"
I DO NOT understand the resentment and why the alienating
conversations over the last two weeks since PAUL BRISCOE VE3KU started using DMR. Where is his hatred coming from? Please help me understand the repeated daily abusive use of the word "Gestapo" and his alienating conversations "we are DStar" or "We are analog" innuendos. Why use a system with so much condemn for it.

I fail to understand the hatred and suttle innuendos that have been recent, over the last week or two weeks
since PAUL BRISCOE VE3KU started using DMR. Why use DMR if you condemn it and favorable to other modes DStar. As said by many, just because you can get the cheapest DMR radio and bitter that DStar cost more for a radio.
I join the (MARC)
Motorola Amateur Radio Club. I do not care who uses what device or mode. I passionately Love this hobby with all my heart, it saddens me what it has become.
He seems to be a good writer and story teller, but his blog is filled with so much blatant lies and hatred, is this someone that is representatives of TFMCS and the VE3TWR repeater in Toronto CANADA.
I hope PAUL BRISCOE VE3KU hatred and disparaging may stop
ONE PERSON'S name mentioned 38 times from degenerates, please learn
about whom these individuals are disparaging with the blatant lies (TWO
FAILED - AMATEUR RADIO CLUB ( Bankrupted 2018 )
Toronto FM Communications Society Amateur Radio Club
- Michael Walker VA3MW as the president
- PAUL BRISCOE VE3KU as the repair guy
- Shutdown 2019